
The Shadow Bard

The Researcher, Writer, and Maintainer of this site

I’m starting this blog for myself and for everyone like me who wants in-depth looks at situations, with helpful lists and visuals, all in one place and with the sass of a disgruntled millennial (29) instead of the vitriol or stereo instructions vibes most articles include.

Questions you might have:

Why is this made with a persona?

I’m using the Shadow Bard moniker to keep details about myself from overshadowing the articles themselves. The anonymity removes any gender, color, weight or other considerations from the debate. (I wish.) Mostly, though, I’m using it thematically because that’s my style.

Why am I doing this?

Aside from the reasons stated in the opening paragraph, I’m doing this as a way to speak my mind. I’ve struggled with hiding my face and voice because it seems like I never fit in with either side of the growing dichotomy in life and politics. Maybe I can help others to speak out about the middle ground, the balanced view, that seeks compromise where possible.

And before you say anything…

No, I am not saying that every issue has a grey area. I am now, and always have been, a firm believer in moral absolutes. I was, at the same time, taught that mercy and forgiveness are indispensable seeing as how humans on all levels are far from perfect. You’ll here me take sides at times and advocate the middle ground in others. You know, like a person who doesn’t have their head in a partisan clamp.

So, what does Shadow Bard stand for?

Me. The pursuit of a solid footing in the middle of two warring factions. And the story of truth that can be our only hope to find our way there.

Any Qualifications or Practice?
  • Creative Writing for fun and (eventually) profit.
  • Spent the better part of my teen and young adult life writing research reports for school that I’m tired of not using.
  • Watching teens who have gotten themselves into trouble
  • Make sassy and sarcastic tweets that all together make me seem crazier than I actually am I swear.