
The Mind of Chaz

Chaz: a gender neutral name for all whiny communist brats who made out with a Marx body pillow instead of paying attention in history or economics.

Saintly Scr3w Ups

Social media and the internet keep us connected. Maybe too well. Half truths turn to lies turn to gospel before the whole truth is known. Two events, one intersection, and a lifetime of misunderstanding.

Who Knew What When? Part 4

America the Divided So, fun little fact to start us off with. One of my sources has been edited. Well, another one if you count the WHO’s little erasures within their Mythbusters page. Yeah, the New York Times article, which I had added to simply give a launching point for some of the topics, was…

The Questions We Shouldn’t Need to Ask

Ahmaud Arbery and Unnecessary Division Ahmaud Arbery (25) was shot and killed by Travis McMichael (34) who was with his father Gregory McMichael (64) on February 23, 2020. The perpetrators have been arrested and charged with murder for following Arbery, who they claim to have thought was a burglar, down the road and instigating a…

Who Knew What When? Part 3: The Crash

Every time I sit down to continue this series I wind up having to move the goal posts down. This is the second section in a row where I thought I could make it all the way to the pandemic announcement, but the facts and politics just keep lengthening the sections. My wordy writing style…

WHO Knew What When? Part Two: Red Love Affair

Introduction Welcome back for the next part of this saga of sorting through the WHO’s situation reports, Twitter page, and other communications. For this section I continue to follow the Situation Reports from January 22, 2020, tracing the starts of some heavy evidence for the belief that something was rotten in the international halls of…

Welcome to this mess…

Hey everyone, welcome to this research and opinion blog. This isn’t the first time I’ve tried to put a blog together, though I hope this time it will stick. I’ve been far too singularly focused in the past which often caused me to hit a wall. This time, Shadow Bard Research will be a blog…